Here I have some of my own trading bot settings for Quick Fingers Luc Dollar Cost Averaging bots on 3commas or
you can copy them to your paper account to test them and tweak them before you use this settings in real trading or copy them right to your real 3commas or account and wait for first signal.
Over time I have left QFL original signals out completely as I found them too risky. At the moment all of my QFL bots are using QFL Day Trading signals only
Bot 1 uses 1.5x bigger safety order than base order please adjust BO and SO according to required max amount for bot usage
TP: 1.0%, BO: 100.0 USDT, SO: 150.0 USDT, OS: 1.0, SS: 1.17, MAD: 2, SOS: 2.0, MSTC: 8, SDSP: 1
Bot 2 uses 2x bigger safety order than base order please adjust BO and SO according to required max amount for bot usage
TP: 1.0%, BO: 100.0 USDT, SO: 200.0 USDT, OS: 2.0, SS: 1.93, MAD: 2, SOS: 3.0, MSTC: 3, SDSP: 1